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Pavol Weiss

Transformation and Innovation Project Manager

Pavol supports the delivery of information and technology services for GP systems and related primary care services. He is also the Change manager for Digital Transformation projects in Kingston. 


Andy Mifsud

IT Transformation & Innovation Assistant

Andy is an apprentice who provides administrative support to assist with the smooth operation of the IT and digital transformation projects. 

Our Digital Support Service is run by Pavol Weiss. The service includes supporting practices with the implementation of new and existing digital projects (including cloud-based telephony, support for online consultations and training for Accurx and E-consult, practice websites, Panic button, Valida, T-Quests, NHS app, Joy, Patient access to health records, E-hubs, SMS messaging, demand and capacity optimisation, Find a GP).Contact Pavol:


Native NHS App - Minimum Version Uplift

There have been some updates to the minimum versions of operating systems for iPhone (iOS) and Android phones that will be able to access the NHS App. Please read through the below comms from the NHS app Policy and Engagement team. If you have any newsletters, please include some information from the message below to inform practice staff including GP IT support and any NHS app ambassadors/digital coordinators at the practice.




The NHS App went through a redesign last year and it is now a native App which allows the NHS app team to better manage the information architecture of the App. They are now at the stage where they are moving people off the old legacy Xamarin application and onto the new native versions. This means a small number of users will no longer have access to the NHS App via an app and will need to access their NHS App services via their NHS Account using a web browser. You can do this using this link and find out how to do this watching these walkthrough videos.  


This will take place on the 3rd February 2025.


This will affect people who use the following versions of iOS and Android operation systems:


  • iOS 12

  • Android 6

  • Android 7


These users will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones and will need to access the NHS App via their web browser.


Users using iOS 13 and iOS 14 on their phones, can upgrade on their devices to the minimum supported version, iOS 15.


The NHS app team have sent in-App messages to the above users, since May 2024, letting them know they will need to update their devices to continue to have access to the NHS App on their device, alternatively they can continue to access the information in their NHS App by logging into their NHS Account via a web browser.



Help and support about the NHS App device compatibility can be found on the NHS.UK website here,  which has been updated to reflect the minimum device support as follows:


"We only support the NHS App on:


  • Android version 8 and above, on devices with a front-facing camera

  • Apple iOS version 15 and above


Google has a guide on how to check and update your Android version.

Apple has a guide on how to update your iOS on iPhone.

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